Rachael Ramsey » About Mrs. Ramsey

About Mrs. Ramsey

Hi! My name is Rachael Ramsey. I am one of the 3rd grade English/Language Arts & Social Studies teachers at Rickman Elementary School. I am working on my seventh year in the teaching profession! Rickman has my heart, and I am a Bulldog from way back. I love teaching at the very school I attended!
My hobbies include spending quality time with family and friends, attending church services, and doing any and all outdoor activities on our family farm. Ramsey Family
I love the Lord, and I try to shine His light in every aspect of my life. 
I believe strong parent-teacher communication is key for a successful working relationship. Please keep in touch, and I will do the same! Please give me a call (931-498-2825), send a message on the Dojo App, send an email ([email protected]), or call the school to set up a face-to-face meeting with me during planning time at 10:00am. I would love to hear from you!
I look forward to growing and learning with RES 3rd graders this year.